
It me.

Hi! I’m Jessica Volpe.

Born and raised in Vancouver Canada, of an Italian father and Filipino mother, I am a hybrid that is a completely self (and probably only self) proclaimed:

  • Foodie (I eat and cook a lot, as plant based as I can)
  • Photographer in training (I take a lot of pictures and try and make them pretty)
  • Entrepreneur (Check out my skin care line, Butterd Up!)
  • Expert Traveler (As often as I can, which turns out to be a lot. 3 continents and multiple countries down, a lot more to go)
  • Drink Connoisseur (I drink an adult-respectable amount…)
  • Butt kicker (I train Muy Thai kickboxing)

Working in hotel operations by day and the service industry by night, with the addition of a culture clash of family, sometimes I can be interesting.

Thanks for stopping by!

Xo – Jess